Startup from Stadskanaal (Netherlands) comes with natural disinfection products
Kanaalstreek - Regional newspaper Stadskanaal - Juli 2020
STADSKANAAL Hand cleaning has never been discussed as much as it has now.
Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus, there has been a huge run on disinfectants. The result of this is a growing shortage. Especially now that more and more sectors are reopening to the public and the demand will only increase. To prevent this, Airogroup has started with Airomedics, a professional disinfecting hand gel and surface cleaner based on natural ingredients.
Airogroup is a young company from Stadskanaal. The company specializes in developing and manufacturing cleaning, lubrication and maintenance products based on natural oils and greases. All based on recipes developed in-house and as much as possible based on raw materials from the immediate vicinity. For example, the company already produces universal cleaners, degreasers and lubricating oils based on rapeseed under the name Airolube.
“We have a lot of raw materials here in the warehouse, raw materials that can also be used in disinfecting products. In recent weeks, our lab technicians have intensively searched for the right formula for a high-quality and natural disinfectant," says an enthusiastic Goedhart Borgesius, one of the founders of Airogroup.
“We found these, even with added value. Consider, for example, the hydration of hands, where most products actually dry out the hands.”
Own webshop
At the moment, Airomedics products are only sold through their own webshop. This is delivered to various entrepreneurs in different sectors.
But Borgesius does not rule out the possibility of seeking cooperation with other web shops and wholesalers in the short term. “We have our production in order and can handle a high demand. The interest is there, now it is time for action.”